
<distinct> identifies any word or phrase which is regarded as linguistically distinct, for example as archaic, technical, dialectal, non-preferred, etc., or as forming part of a sublanguage. [ Other Linguistically Distinct Material]
typespecifies the sublanguage or register to which the word or phrase is being assigned.
Derived fromatt.typed
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.enumerated
timespecifies how the phrase is distinct diachronically.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
spacespecifies how the phrase is distinct diatopically.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
socialspecifies how the phrase is distinct diastratically.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.text
Member of
Contained by
May contain
Next morning a boy
in that dormitory confided to his bosom friend, a <distinct type="ps_slang">fag</distinct> of
Macrea's, that there was trouble in their midst which King <distinct type="archaic">would fain</distinct>
keep secret.
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element distinct
   attribute type { teidata.enumerated }?,
   attribute time { teidata.text }?,
   attribute space { teidata.text }?,
   attribute social { teidata.text }?,