
<headItem> (heading for list items) contains the heading for the item or gloss column in a glossary list or similar structured list. [3.8. Lists]
Contained by
core: list
May contain

The headItem element may appear only if each item in the list is preceded by a label.

The simple, straightforward statement of an
idea is preferable to the use of a worn-out expression. <list type="gloss">
 <headLabel rend="smallcaps">TRITE</headLabel>
 <headItem rend="smallcaps">SIMPLE, STRAIGHTFORWARD</headItem>
 <label>bury the hatchet</label>
 <item>stop fighting, make peace</item>
 <label>at loose ends</label>
 <label>on speaking terms</label>
 <label>fair and square</label>
 <item>completely honest</item>
 <label>at death's door</label>
 <item>near death</item>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element headItem { tei_att.global.attributes, tei_macro.phraseSeq }