<undo> indicates one or more marked-up interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked for cancellation. [ Confirmation, Cancellation, and Reinstatement of Modifications] | |||||||
Module | transcr | ||||||
Attributes |
| ||||||
Member of | |||||||
Contained by | core: abbr add addrLine author bibl biblScope citedRange corr date del distinct editor email emph expan foreign gloss head headItem headLabel hi item l label lg measure mentioned name note num orig p pubPlace publisher q quote rb ref reg rs rt said sic soCalled speaker stage street term textLang time title unit figures: cell msdescription: accMat acquisition additions catchwords collation colophon condition custEvent decoNote explicit filiation finalRubric foliation heraldry incipit layout material musicNotation objectType origDate origPlace origin provenance rubric secFol signatures source stamp summary support surrogates typeNote watermark namesdates: addName birth bloc country death district eventName floruit forename genName gender geogFeat geogName objectName offset orgName persName persPronouns placeName region roleName settlement surname textstructure: dateline docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint | ||||||
May contain | Empty element | ||||||
Example | <line>This is <del change="#s2" rend="overstrike"> <seg xml:id="undo-a">just some</seg> sample <seg xml:id="undo-b">text</seg>, we need</del> <add change="#s2">not</add> a real example.</line> <undo target="#undo-a #undo-b" rend="dotted" change="#s3"/> This encoding represents the following sequence of events:
| ||||||
Content model | <content> | ||||||
Schema Declaration | element undo { tei_att.global.attributes, tei_att.dimensions.attributes, tei_att.spanning.attributes, tei_att.transcriptional.attributes, attribute target { list { teidata.pointer+ } }?, empty } |