
<rt> (ruby text) contains a ruby text, an annotation closely associated with a passage of the main text. [3.4.2. Ruby Annotations]
targetsupplies a pointer to the base being glossed by this ruby text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
SchematronEnforce that either target or both from and to (or none) are used, but not target in combination with either from or to.

<sch:rule context="tei:rt/@target">
<sch:report test="../@from | ../@to">When target= is present, neither from= nor to= should be.</sch:report>

Should point to a single rb or an element that is inside an rb. To refer to multiple elements or text nodes at once use from and to.

frompoints to the starting point of the span of text being glossed by this ruby text.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
SchematronEnforce the presence of to iff there is a from.

<sch:rule context="tei:rt/@from">
<sch:assert test="../@to">When from= is present, the to= attribute of <sch:name/> is required.</sch:assert>
topoints to the ending point of the span of text being glossed.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.pointer
SchematronEnforce the presence of from iff there is a to.

<sch:rule context="tei:rt/@to">
<sch:assert test="../@from">When to= is present, the from= attribute of <sch:name/> is required.</sch:assert>
Contained by
core: ruby
May contain

Where the place attribute is not provided on the rt element, the default assumption is that the ruby gloss is above where the text is horizontal, and to the right of the text where it is vertical.


The word 大統領 daitōryō (president) is glossed character by character in hiragana to provide a pronunciation guide.

<p style="writing-mode: vertical-rl"

  <rt place="right">だい</rt>
  <rt place="right">とう</rt>
  <rt place="right">りょう</rt>
Content model
 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>
Schema Declaration
element rt
   attribute target { teidata.pointer }?,
   attribute from { teidata.pointer }?,
   attribute to { teidata.pointer }?,