<milestone> (milestone) marks a boundary point separating any kind of section of a text, typically but not necessarily indicating a point at which some part of a standard reference system changes, where the change is not represented by a structural element. [3.11.3. Milestone Elements] | |
Module | core |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | core: abbr add addrLine address author bibl biblScope cit citedRange corr date del distinct editor email emph expan foreign gloss head headItem headLabel hi imprint item l label lg list listBibl measure mentioned name note num orig p pubPlace publisher q quote rb ref reg resp rs rt said series sic soCalled sp speaker stage street term textLang time title unit header: authority change classCode distributor edition extent funder geoDecl handNote language licence principal scriptNote sponsor msdescription: accMat acquisition additions catchwords collation collection colophon condition custEvent decoNote explicit filiation finalRubric foliation heraldry incipit institution layout material msItem musicNotation objectType origDate origPlace origin provenance repository rubric secFol signatures source stamp summary support surrogates typeNote watermark namesdates: addName birth bloc country death district eventName floruit forename genName gender geogFeat geogName objectName offset org orgName persName persPronouns person personGrp persona placeName region roleName settlement surname textstructure: back body dateline div docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint docTitle epigraph floatingText front group text |
May contain | Empty element |
Note | For this element, the global n attribute indicates the new number or other value for the unit which changes at this milestone. The special value unnumbered should be used in passages which fall outside the normal numbering scheme, such as chapter or other headings, poem numbers or titles, etc. The order in which milestone elements are given at a given point is not normally significant. |
Example | <milestone n="23" ed="La" unit="Dreissiger"/> ... <milestone n="24" ed="AV" unit="verse"/> ... |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element milestone { tei_att.global.attributes, tei_att.milestoneUnit.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, tei_att.edition.attributes, tei_att.spanning.attributes, tei_att.breaking.attributes, empty } |