Editorial restoration: Segmented or adjacent lacunae


When a single lacuna in the transcribed edition is represented by a combination of restored text, (supplied) and lost sections (gap), these need to be encoded as distinct entities in EpiDoc, although they are perceived as part of a single lacuna in the Leiden representation. The EpiDoc Example XSLT includes a template which will ensure extra square brackets are not printed between the two parts of the lacuna (i.e. "[abc ...]" not "[abc] [...]").

: [abc ..?..]

<w part="I">
 <supplied reason="lost">abc</supplied>
<gap reason="lost"/>

: [.... (nomen auctoris) ἐκ συγγραμμάτω?]ν

<gap reason="lostquantity="4unit="chars">
 <desc>nomen auctoris</desc>
<supplied reason="lostcert="low">ἐκ συγγραμμάτω</supplied>ν

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • Default (Panciera) style: [.. ? ..nomen auctoris ἐκ συγγραμμάτω?]ν
(PHI: 77668)
<w part="I">
 <supplied reason="lost">sta</supplied>
<gap reason="lost"/>

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • London style: [sta-·· ? ··]
(IRT: 126)

The same applies if two spans of adjacent restored text need to be split into distinct supplied elements to avoid overlapping tags, as for example forming part of a personal name or an abbreviation.

: Au[g(usti) Lici]nia

 <supplied reason="lost">
<supplied reason="lost">Lici</supplied>nia

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • Default (Panciera) style: Au[g(usti) Lici]nia
<name>Καῖσ<supplied reason="lost">αρ</supplied>
<supplied reason="lost">Σεβαστὸς</supplied>

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • London style: Καῖσ[αρ Σεβαστὸς]

Responsibility for this section

  1. Gabriel Bodard, author
  2. Simona Stoyanova, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18