- TEI definition: gap ; EpiDoc-specific
customization: gap
A gap (gap) indicates a point at which material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible.
Where characters have been lost on the original support and there is nothing to indicate to the editor how these should be restored, this is marked up as a lacuna using gap. Note that this is usually an empty element, as it marks a point at which the lacuna occurs, and therefore does not contain any content.
For a straightforward lacuna whose extent is known, gap should take the following three attributes:
- reason explains why the text has been restored, and for a lacuna is usually given the value "lost" (although other values are possible).
- quantity indicates how many characters or lines have been lost (where known).
- unit indicates what kind of textual unit has been lost, such as "character" or "line" (or indeed some other type of textual unit such as "column", "page" etc.).
Panciera 1991 8.3: [...]
<gap reason="lost" quantity="3"
unit="character"/>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
- Duke Databank style: [ ̣ ̣ ̣]
- Default (Panciera) style: [...]
Sosin 2011: [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
<gap reason="lost" quantity="6"
unit="character"/>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
- Duke Databank style: [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
- Default (Panciera) style: [c. 6]
Sosin 2011: [ -ca. 9- ]
<gap reason="lost" quantity="9"
unit="character"/>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
- Duke Databank style: [- ca.9 -]
- Default (Panciera) style: [c. 9]
<gap reason="lost" quantity="5"
unit="character"/>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
<gap reason="lost" quantity="13"
unit="character"/>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
- Duke Databank style: [- ca.13 -]
See also:
Other pages describing <gap>:
- Words Omitted by Editor for Brevity
- Erased and Lost
- Foreign Ellipsis
- Illegible Characters, Quantity Approximate (Circa or Range)
- Illegible Characters, Quantity Known
- Illegible Characters, Quantity Unknown
- Illegible Lines, Quantity Approximate (Circa or Range)
- Illegible Lines, Quantity Known
- Illegible Lines, Quantity Unknown
- Illegible text, other units (e.g. cm)
- Editorial restoration: Segmented or adjacent lacunae
- Lost characters, quantity approximate
- Lost Characters, Metre Known/Reconstructed
- Lost Characters, Numeral
- Lost characters, praenomen
- Lost characters, quantity unknown
- Lost Lines, Quantity Approximate (Circa or Range)
- Lost lines, quantity known
- Lost Lines, Quantity Unknown
- Lacunas, Other Units
- Possible Illegible Characters/Lines
- Lines Possibly Lost / Text Possibly Breaks
- Editorial restoration: Word incompletely restored
- Editorial restoration: example or illustrative supplement
- Text not completed (omission not restored)
Responsibility for this section
Charlotte Tupman, author Gabriel Bodard, author