Possible Illegible Characters/Lines


Where vestiges of characters or lines possibly remain, but they cannot be recognised and their quantity is unknown, a gap should be used, and given a reason attribute with a value of "illegible" and an extent with a value of "unknown". To express uncertainty as to whether or not an illegible character or line is actually present, a certainty with a match corresponding to the parent element (i.e. the gap) should be given a locus with a value of "name".

Panciera 1991 VIII.7; Sosin 2011: [- - -?]

<gap reason="illegibleextent="unknown"

 <certainty match="..locus="name"/>
<gap reason="illegibleextent="unknown"

 <certainty match="..locus="name"/>
<gap reason="illegiblequantity="3"

 <certainty match="..locus="name"/>

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • Duke Databank style: ?  ̣  ̣  ̣
(DDbDP: chla.5.286)

Responsibility for this section

  1. Scott Vanderbilt, author
  2. Charlotte Tupman, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18