- TEI definition: gap ; EpiDoc-specific
customization: gap
Where vestiges of characters remain, but they cannot be recognised and their quantity is approximate, they should be placed in a gap and given a reason with a value of "illegible", and either an attribute of precision with the value "low" (to express 'circa'), or a range of possible characters lost using atLeast and atMost.
Panciera 1991 VIII.3; Sosin 2011: [c.5]
<gap reason="illegible" quantity="5"
unit="character" precision="low"/>(Panciera)
<gap reason="illegible" atLeast="4"
atMost="6" unit="character"/>(Panciera)
<gap reason="illegible" quantity="7"
unit="character" precision="low"/>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
<gap reason="illegible" quantity="10"
unit="character" precision="low"/>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
- Duke Databank style: - ca.10 -
<gap reason="illegible" atLeast="3"
atMost="4" unit="character"/>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
- Duke Databank style: -3-4-
See also:
Other pages describing <gap>:
- Words Omitted by Editor for Brevity
- Erased and Lost
- Foreign Ellipsis
- Illegible Characters, Quantity Known
- Illegible Characters, Quantity Unknown
- Illegible Lines, Quantity Approximate (Circa or Range)
- Illegible Lines, Quantity Known
- Illegible Lines, Quantity Unknown
- Illegible text, other units (e.g. cm)
- Editorial restoration: Segmented or adjacent lacunae
- Lost characters, quantity approximate
- Lost characters, quantity known
- Lost Characters, Metre Known/Reconstructed
- Lost Characters, Numeral
- Lost characters, praenomen
- Lost characters, quantity unknown
- Lost Lines, Quantity Approximate (Circa or Range)
- Lost lines, quantity known
- Lost Lines, Quantity Unknown
- Lacunas, Other Units
- Possible Illegible Characters/Lines
- Lines Possibly Lost / Text Possibly Breaks
- Editorial restoration: Word incompletely restored
- Editorial restoration: example or illustrative supplement
- Text not completed (omission not restored)
Responsibility for this section
Scott Vanderbilt, author
Charlotte Tupman, author