When characters are lost and cannot be restored, but the text is in verse and the metrical values or pattern of the lacuna can be given, the lost portion of the verse line is marked using a seg element. The seg element may contain an attribute recording conventional metrical structure by means of either a standard term for the metrical unit (e.g. met with value "dactylic") or a representation for the metrical pattern (e.g. met with value "--|+--|+--|+±").
- TEI definition: gap ; EpiDoc-specific
customization: gap
- TEI definition: seg ; EpiDoc-specific
customization: seg
A.92: [ ˉ ˘ ˘ ˉ ˘ ]ι̣χ̣ων λουτ̣ρ̣ὸν ἀκηράσιον
<seg met="+--+-"> <gap reason="lost" quantity="9"
unit="character" precision="low"/></seg><unclear>ιχ
</unclear>ὸν ἀκηράσιον
Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
- London style: [·· c. 9··]ι̣χ̣ων λουτ̣ρ̣ὸν ἀκηράσιον
- verse parameter on: [ ˉ ˘ ˘ ˉ ˘ ]ι̣χ̣ων λουτ̣ρ̣ὸν ἀκηράσιον
: χαλκέοισι κάδοις δέχεται [ ˘ ˘ ˉ ]
χαλκέοισι κάδοις δέχεται
<seg met="--+"> <gap reason="lost" quantity="7"
unit="character" precision="low"/></seg>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
- Default (Panciera) style: χαλκέοισι κάδοις δέχεται [c. 7]
- verse parameter on: χαλκέοισι κάδοις δέχεται [ ˘ ˘ ˉ ]
<lg met="elegiac couplets"> <l n="1" met="hexameter"> <lb n="15"/> <seg met="+--|+--|+-"> <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown"
unit="character"/> </seg> <supplied reason="lost">ἀρ
</supplied>ιστοπάτωρ βεβόαται
</l> <l n="2" met="pentameter"> <lb n="16"/> <seg met="+--|+--|+"> <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown"
unit="character"/> </seg> <supplied reason="lost">ἔ
</supplied>ξοχε Δεινομένη.
</l> <l n="3" met="hexameter"> <lb n="17"/> <seg met="+--|+--|+-"> <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown"
unit="character"/> </seg> <unclear>τ
</unclear>εὰ πατρὶς οὐκ ἐπὶ μούναι
</l> <l n="4" met="pentameter"> <lb n="18"/> <seg met="+--|+--|+"> <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown"
unit="character"/> </seg> <supplied reason="lost">εἵ
</supplied>νεκεν ἀγλαΐας.
</l> <l n="5" met="hexameter"> <lb n="19"/> <seg met="+--|+--|+--|+"> <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown"
unit="character"/> </seg> <choice> <unclear>χ
</unclear> <unclear>κ
</unclear> </choice>μεα τᾶιδε σε μέλπει
</l> <l n="6" met="pentameter"> <lb n="20"/> <seg met="+--|+--|+"> <gap reason="lost" extent="unknown"
unit="character"/> </seg> <supplied reason="lost">π
</supplied>ρᾶτον ἐν ἠϊθέοις.
</l></lg>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
- Default (Panciera) style:
[--- ἀρ]ιστοπάτωρ βεβόαται
[--- ἔ]ξοχε Δεινομένη.
[---] τ̣εὰ πατρὶς οὐκ ἐπὶ μούναι
[--- εἵ]νεκεν ἀγλαΐας.
[---] χ̣μεα τᾶιδε σε μέλπει
[--- π]ρᾶτον ἐν ἠϊθέοις.
- London style:
[·· ? ·· ἀρ]ιστοπάτωρ βεβόαται
[·· ? ·· ἔ]ξοχε Δεινομένη.
[·· ? ··] τ̣εὰ πατρὶς οὐκ ἐπὶ μούναι
[·· ? ·· εἵ]νεκεν ἀγλαΐας.
[·· ? ··] χ̣μεα τᾶιδε σε μέλπει
[·· ? ·· π]ρᾶτον ἐν ἠϊθέοις.
- verse parameter on:
| [ ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ ˘ ἀρ]ιστοπάτωρ βεβόαται
| [ ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ ἔ]ξοχε Δεινομένη.
| [ ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ ˘ ] τ̣εὰ πατρὶς οὐκ ἐπὶ μούναι
| [ ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ εἵ]νεκεν ἀγλαΐας.
| [ ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ ] χ̣μεα τᾶιδε σε μέλπει
| [ ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ ˘ ˘ | ˉ π]ρᾶτον ἐν ἠϊθέοις.
See also:
Other pages describing <gap>:
- Words Omitted by Editor for Brevity
- Erased and Lost
- Foreign Ellipsis
- Illegible Characters, Quantity Approximate (Circa or Range)
- Illegible Characters, Quantity Known
- Illegible Characters, Quantity Unknown
- Illegible Lines, Quantity Approximate (Circa or Range)
- Illegible Lines, Quantity Known
- Illegible Lines, Quantity Unknown
- Illegible text, other units (e.g. cm)
- Editorial restoration: Segmented or adjacent lacunae
- Lost characters, quantity approximate
- Lost characters, quantity known
- Lost Characters, Numeral
- Lost characters, praenomen
- Lost characters, quantity unknown
- Lost Lines, Quantity Approximate (Circa or Range)
- Lost lines, quantity known
- Lost Lines, Quantity Unknown
- Lacunas, Other Units
- Possible Illegible Characters/Lines
- Lines Possibly Lost / Text Possibly Breaks
- Editorial restoration: Word incompletely restored
- Editorial restoration: example or illustrative supplement
- Text not completed (omission not restored)
Other pages describing <seg>:
Responsibility for this section
Gabriel Bodard, author