Lost Lines, Quantity Unknown


Where lines have been lost on the original support and there is nothing to indicate to the editor how these should be restored, this is marked up as a lacuna using gap. If the number of lines is unknown, extent should be given a value of "unknown".

Panciera 1991 VIII.6; Sosin 2011: - - - - - -

<gap reason="lostextent="unknown"
<gap reason="lostextent="unknown"

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • London style: [·· ? ··]
(IRT: 177)
<gap reason="lostextent="unknown"

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • Duke Databank style:
    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
(DDbDP: bgu.12.2207)

Responsibility for this section

  1. Scott Vanderbilt, author
  2. Charlotte Tupman, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18