- TEI definition: del ; EpiDoc-specific
customization: del
- TEI definition: supplied ; EpiDoc-specific
customization: supplied
Characters which have been erased in antiquity and are illegible, or restored by the modern editor, should be tagged using the del element, whose rend should have a value of "erasure". The text supplied by the editor should be placed within a supplied element inside the del element. Where the characters cannot be understood or are unclear, orig and unclear elements should be used respectively.
Panciera 1991 V.2; Sosin 2011: [[abc]] or [[ABC]] or [[ạḅc̣]]
<del rend="erasure"> <supplied reason="lost">abc
<del rend="erasure"> <supplied reason="lost"> <orig>abc
</orig> </supplied></del>(Panciera)
<del rend="erasure"> <supplied reason="lost"> <unclear>abc
</unclear> </supplied></del>(Panciera)
<del rend="erasure"> <supplied reason="lost"> <unclear>Ε
</unclear> </supplied></del>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
- Duke Databank style: ⟦[Ε̣ὐπρεπε̣ί̣α̣]⟧
<del rend="erasure"> <supplied reason="lost">Ale
</del>Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:
- London style: ⟦[Ale]xandro⟧
See also:
Other pages describing <del>:
Other pages describing <supplied>:
Responsibility for this section
Beatrice Lietz, author
Charlotte Tupman, author