What the EpiDoc Example Stylesheet can do for your apparatus


We discuss here what the EpiDoc Example XSLT support as options to render your apparatus, in order to inform your encoding decisions about apparatus notes and features you may want to be recorded in an apparatus at the visualization level.

Your first option is to have all what you actually want in your apparatus encoded explicitly in your <div[@type='apparatus']>, as described in the external apparatus method. The content of this div is always rendered by default by the EpiDoc Example XSLT.

If, however, you wish to have in the apparatus you want to publish also, for example, features of the text which you may have encoded in the text with choice or del these will not be there unless you tell your processor to show them. EpiDoc Example XSLT can produce a separate, additional apparatus section beside your encoded <div[@type='apparatus']>.

Correction Without Specification
<w part="I">τ<corr>ι</corr>μο</w>
l.1 ι corr.
Erroneous Substitution
<w>α<supplied reason="lost"></supplied>θ<supplied reason="lost">έν</supplied>τ<choice>
3: orig. Α.Θ..ΤΑΥl.3 sic, orig. αl.3 sic, orig. α3. l. ο (corr)
l.4 τειμην orig., reg. τιμὴνl.4 τειμην orig., reg. τιμὴν4. l. τιμὴν
Ambiguous Characters with Alternatives offered
l.5 Γ aut Ε aut Ζ aut Ξ aut Π aut Σ aut Τ
Ancient Corrections (Where Both Old And New Text Can Be Read)
 <add place="inline">τέσσαρας</add>
 <del rend="corrected">τεσσαρες</del>
6: corr. ex ΤΕΣΣΑΡΕΣl.6 del τεσσαρες6. corr. ex τεσσαρες
Ancient Corrections (Old Text Lost)
public<add place="overstrike">a</add>e
l.7 a overstrike
Addition By Ancient Hand
<add place="above">αβ</add>
l.8 αβ add above
Raised/Lowered Characters
<expan>πρ<hi rend="superscript">οσ</hi>
9: οσ s.l.l.9 οσ superscript
Omitted Letters
Valent<supplied reason="omitted">in</supplied>iani
13: orig. VALENTIANIl.13 in omitted
Text cancelled with strokes
<del rend="cross-strokes">
 <handShift new="m4"/>
 <gap reason="lost"

(DDbDP: p.lips.1.98)
l.14 cross-strokes14. Text canceled with cross-strokes
Parallel Segementation Apparatus note / Editorial notes
<app type="editorial">
 <lem source="#BL_3.8"><supplied reason="lost">
 <rdg><supplied reason="lost">ς <expan>
   </expan> ιϛ</supplied>
(DDbDP: bgu.1.154)
l.10 #BL_3.8, ὡ[ς (ἐτῶν) ιϛ]l.10 #BL_3.8, ὡ[ς (ἐτῶν) ιϛ]10. ὡ[ς (ἐτῶν) ιϛ] prev. ed.
Parallel Segementation Apparatus note / Alternative readings
<app type="alternative">
 <rdg>Λευκῶ<add place="above">ν</add>
(DDbDP: cpr.4.171)
l.11 or Λευκῶ`ν´l.11 or Λευκῶ`ν´11. or Λευκῶ`ν´

So you can have using the EpiDoc Example XSLT two separate sections, with your annotations inline and in the <div[@type="apparatus"]>.

So, how to encode your apparatus? It is your choice, but the most frequent choice made by projects so far is to use the external apparatus method.

Responsibility for this section

  1. Pietro Maria Liuzzo, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18