Inline apparatus criticus


The tags that may be used within the transcribed text division itself, and from which an apparatus criticus can be generated in post-processing.

<app type="editorial">
 <lem source="#BL_3.8"><supplied reason="lost">
 <rdg><supplied reason="lost">ς <expan>
   </expan> ιϛ</supplied>
(DDbDP: bgu.1.154)
Note: generates apparatus: 23. BL 3.8 : ὡ[ς (ἐτῶν) ιϛ] prev. ed.
<app type="alternative">
 <rdg>Λευκῶ<add place="above">ν</add>
(DDbDP: cpr.4.171)
Note: generates apparatus: r.17. or Λευκῶ\ν/

Only few EpiDoc project use inline tagging to generate apparatus criticus. DDbDP has contributed the XSLT to the EpiDoc Example Stylesheets which supports this. This page explains the options you may use in the EpiDoc Example Stylesheets and what is covered at the moment.

Responsibility for this section

  1. Gabriel Bodard, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18