External apparatus criticus


An external division of the edition in which all apparatus criticus features and notes are explicitly tagged.

The simplest entry in an epigraphic or papyrological apparatus criticus is a general comment on the text as a whole, with no specific line reference or textual feature described. (Like all external apparatus features described in this page, this example should appear in the <div type="apparatus">, and perhaps be grouped together in a listApp.)

<div type="apparatus">
   <note>The face is very weathered, all readings are uncertain.</note>

The second example is of a simple comment, but tied to a particular line or text fragment (using in this case the attribute loc, which contains a human-readable or "canonical" citation for the line referenced):

<app loc="a 7">
 <note>The erasure in this line is ineffective but indubitably deliberate.</note>

Alternative restorations, perhaps recording the opinion of previous editors or attributing current readings to them, may also be tagged explicitly in the external apparatus division:

<app loc="i 3">
 <lem>καθο<supplied reason="lost">σίωσις</supplied>
 <rdg source="#tdb1971">καθ<supplied reason="lost">όλου</supplied>

An app element in the external apparatus may also point directly to a feature tagged within the text transcription division, in order to comment upon it, or simply to display the marked-up feature without duplicating the markup. (Similar to the practice of inline apparatus discussed elsewhere.)

<choice xml:id="choice3">
<!-- ... -->
<app loc="12from="#choice3">
 <note>so Mommsen, without comment.</note>

Variant readings may also arise not from a disagreement among editors, but from genuine ambiguity in reading. An unclear letter with several possible interpretations might appear in the apparatus (or in the text itself) as:

<choice xml:id="choice4">
<!-- ... -->
<app loc="4from="#choice4">
 <note>What survives of the last letter before the break is consonant with Τ, Γ, Ε, Ζ, Ξ, Π, Σ</note>

External Apparatus can also be provided for translations when and where necessary.

Notes that provide alternative translations, can also be provided in a dedicated apparatus

<div type="translationxml:id="CSAI_415">
  <lb n="1"/>Ṣbḥhmw son of ʿms²fq, of the family Rs²wn,
 <lb n="2"/>the one from Nashq, dedicated to ʾlmqh master of
 <lb n="3"/>Myfʿm the inscription and its support (?), all
 <lb n="4"/>his sons and all his properties in Nashqum and in its
 <lb n="5"/>territory, when he fought with Sabaʾ and Rkbn
 <lb n="6"/>on an expedition (?) and overcame the army of Maʿīn in the lower
 <lb n="7"/>part of ʾtmy; and when he fought with his tribe
 <lb n="8"/>Rkbn with the army of Sabaʾ into the land of
 <lb n="9"/>Ḥaḍramawt and they destroyed three [... ...]
<div type="apparatussubtype="translation"

  <app loc="3">
   <note>hwṯb-hw: alternative translation "and set it".</note>
  <app loc="5, 8">
   <note>rkbn: "soldats montés" (Robin).</note>

Notes that discuss the meaning of a lexical item or a sentence might be encoded as follows

<div type="translationxml:id="CSAI-415">
 <p> ...
 <lb n="13"/>and when he traded and led a caravan to Dedan and Gaza
 <lb n="14"/>and the towns of Judah; and when he was safe
 <lb n="15"/>and sound, he who went from Gaza to Kition, during the war
 <lb n="16"/>between Chaldea and Ionia; and when Ydʿʾl Byn
 <lb n="17"/>son of Yṯʿʾmr king of Sabaʾ appointed him and sent
 <lb n="18"/>him as a messenger to the land of Ḏkrm and
 <lb n="19"/>Lḥyn and ʾbʾs¹ and Ḥnk in those fourteen
 <lb n="20"/>expeditions (?) and he accomplished all with which
 <lb n="21"/>Ydʿʾl had charged him as a messenger and for which he had appointed him.
<div type="apparatussubtype="translation"

  <app loc="19-20">
   <note>ḥnk ʾlhn ʾrbʿ ʿs²r-hw ʾrglm: Bron translates "et il consacra au dieu quatorze fantassins", suggesting a parallel with the Heb. ḤNK "to consecrate". However, the verb in Heb. is used for the consecration of a temple to the god. Robin interprets the word a name of place and ʾlhn as a previously unattested form of the pronoun ʾln.</note>

Apparatus might be used as in the following example also to report partial translations provided by the editors

<div type="translationxml:id="CSAI_1268">
  <lb n="1"/>qnt wkrm ḏ-Ḥrnm ḏ-yts¹yn W—
 <lb n="2"/>hbṯwn ḏ-Nḍḥm l-ʾlkrb ḏ-Qs²bn—
 <lb n="3"/>bn wkr b-ʿm-hw l-ḏ-Grfm w-k—
 <lb n="4"/>wn ḏn ʾs¹ynn l-wrḫ ḏ-Ks²bm
 <lb n="5"/>ḏ-ḫrf ʾbkrb bn Ḥyw bn Ḥ—
 <lb n="6"/>zfrm Whbṯwn w Mfḍg
<div type="apparatussubtype="translation"

  <app loc="1-3">
   <note>Ein qnt(=Maßeinheit) Sorghum (nach dem Maß) des (Tempels) Ḥrnm, welches Whbṯwn aus (der Sippe) Nḍḥm dem ʾlkrb aus (der Sippe) Qs²bn garantiert, von dem Sorghum, welches bei ihm (=zu seinen Lasten) ist zugunsten der (Sippe) ḏ-Grfm" (Stein).</note>

Note that when entirely different translations are available, they should be inserted using a <div type="apparatus">.

Responsibility for this section

  1. Gabriel Bodard, author
  2. Daniele Marotta, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18