Parallel Text


Text restored from parallel copy

Where text is restored by the editor from a parallel copy (e.g. a papyrus with the same literary text, or an inscription with a more complete version of a decree or imperial letter), this should be indicated with a supplied element, indicating the parallel source by evidence with a value of "parallel".

Because reason is a required attribute on supplied in EpiDoc (to distinguish between lost, omitted, subaudible etc. supplements in Leiden) in the case of text restored from a parallel copy, where Leiden is typically ambiguous about the current state of preservation, the value of reason = "undefined" is permitted to reflect this ambiguity.

In most epigraphic/papyrological styles this text will be displayed with underline only (similarly to Previous Editor), but in the Duke Databank the text may also be enclosed in square brackets to indicate the fact that the text is now completely lost (as opposed to merely unclear, corrupt or uncertain).

Sosin 2011: a̲b̲c̲ or [a̲b̲c̲]

The first example demonstrates that, when the reason for the parallel supplementation is "undefined", the Duke Databank follows the general pattern.

<supplied evidence="parallel"

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • Default (Panciera) style: abc
  • London style: abc
  • Duke Databank style: abc

The second example illustrates the different in approach between the Duke Databank and other styles when the reason for supplementation is complete loss.

<supplied evidence="parallelreason="lost">abc</supplied>

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • Default (Panciera) style: abc
  • London style: abc
  • Duke Databank style: [abc]

A more complex example illustrates the expressiveness of the Duke Databank approach when dealing with a lacunose and damaged text.

<supplied reason="lost">καὶ ἀναγν</supplied>ωσθείσης̣
<supplied reason="lost">τῆ</supplied>
<supplied evidence="parallel"
ς ἐπιστολῆς Θεοδώρου</supplied>

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • Duke Databank style: [καὶ ἀναγν]ωσθείσης̣ [τῆ]ς ἐπιστολῆς Θεοδώρου
(DDbDP: bgu.13.2216#4)

Responsibility for this section

  1. Gabriel Bodard, author
  2. Scott Vanderbilt, author
  3. Charlotte Tupman, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18