<listNym> (list of canonical names) contains a list of nyms, that is, standardized names for any thing. [14.3.7. Names and Nyms] | |
Module | namesdates |
Attributes |
Member of | |
Contained by | core: add corr del desc emph head hi item l meeting note orig p q quote ref reg said sic sp stage textLang title msdescription: accMat acquisition additions collation condition custEvent decoNote filiation foliation layout musicNotation origin provenance signatures source summary support surrogates typeNote namesdates: listNym textstructure: back body div docEdition epigraph |
May contain | |
Note | The type attribute may be used to distinguish lists of names of a particular type if convenient. |
Example | <listNym type="floral"> <nym xml:id="ROSE"> <form>Rose</form> </nym> <nym xml:id="DAISY"> <form>Daisy</form> <etym>Contraction of <mentioned>day's eye</mentioned> </etym> </nym> <nym xml:id="HTHR"> <form>Heather</form> </nym> </listNym> |
Content model | <content> |
Schema Declaration | element listNym { tei_att.global.attributes, tei_att.cmc.attributes, tei_att.declarable.attributes, tei_att.sortable.attributes, tei_att.typed.attributes, ( tei_model.headLike*, tei_desc*, ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )*, ( ( tei_nym | tei_listNym )+, ( tei_relation | tei_listRelation )* )+ ) } |