The diacritical signs as enumerated in Krummrey Panciera 1980, with links to EpiDoc guidance for encoding each semantic distinction expressed thereby in TEI XML.
I. Praemonenda
- 1. (print diplomatic transcription if no photograph available)
- Not applicable. A single EpIDoc-encoded edition can be used to generate both interpretive and diplomatic views via different stylesheet transformations. (No reference to diplomatic transcription in Gudielines?)
- 2. (close square brackets at beginning and end of lines, unless in linear presentation)
- Same recommendation applies to supplied elements in EpiDoc. (Not in Guidelines?)
- 3. (don't use italics or underline for notes in text)
- Not applicable.
- 4. (don't add spacing between or around diacritical signs when within a word)
- Same recommendation applies to EpiDoc. (Not in Guidelines?)
- 5. (not all combinations of diacritical notes have been given; just nest them)
- Same applies to EpiDoc, but no specific guidance required.
IV. Litterarum formae notabiliores
- 1. á, é, í, ó, ú
- Apices
- 2. abc, V
- Supralinear line, etc.
- 3, ((y)), ((bs)), ((ps)), ((v))
- Claudian letters
- 4. a͡b, a͡bc
- Ligatures
V. Litterae erasae
- 1. 〚abc〛 aut 〚ABC〛 aut 〚ạḅc̣〛
- Erased but legible text
- 2. 〚[abc]〛
- Erased and illegible but restored
- 3. 〚[...]〛aut 〚[c. 5 ]〛 aut 〚[- - -]〛
- Erased and lost
VII. Additamenta antiqua
- 1. `abc´
- Text added by ancient hand
IX. Litterae ab editore expunctae adiectae correctae
- 1. {abc}
- Superfluous characters
- 2. <abc>
- Supplement of omitted characters
- 3. ⸢abc⸣
- Erroneous substitution
Responsibility for this section
Gabriel Bodard, author
Hugh Cayless, help deciphering Hans Krummrey's Latin