

Divisions of the edited text such as fragments, columns, chapters or versions in different languages.

Units of the text that are separated and usually numbered independently by epigraphers and papyrologists—including fragments, columns, sections, chapters, independent texts on a single stone, marks, stamps, or graffiti grouped together—should be divided and numbered on the same basis in EpiDoc. The use of XML should not change the need for dividing and numbering the text in a way that makes semantic and intuitive sense to the editor.

When a physical break in the support coincides with a major semantic break in the text, each text section should be wrapped in a separate ab inside a div with a type="textpart". This can be the case of non-contiguous fragments, inscriptions consisting of physically distinct parts with the same text in more languages, or columns with loosely related content.

It is highly recommended to provide an n attribute specifying an identifier for each <div type="textpart">. It is often useful (although not obligatory) also to provide a subtype attribute naming the kind of subdivision of text being recorded; subtype is not constrained, but common values might include "fragment", "column", "face", "section", etc.

<div type="textpartsubtype="fragment"

  <lb n="1"/>...
 <lb n="2"/>...
<div type="textpartsubtype="fragment"

  <lb n="1"/>...
 <lb n="2"/>...
<div type="textpartsubtype="fragment"

  <lb n="1"/>...
 <lb n="2"/>...

In the following example from DHARMA, a set of inscribed copper plates with an inscribed seal attached to the ring that binds the plates together:

<div type="editionxml:lang="san-Latn">
 <div type="textpartn="A">
  <head xml:lang="en">Seal</head>
   <lb n="1"/>śrī-tribhuvanāṁkuśa
 <div type="textpartn="B">
  <head xml:lang="en">Plates</head>
   <lb n="1"/>svasti śrīmatāṁ sakala-bhuvana-saṁstūyamāna-mānavya-sagotrānāṁ
  <lb n="2"/>...

These units may, of course, nest in almost any combination. If there are non-hierarchical overlaps between units (e.g. sections and columns) then one unit has to be selected as the "top level" division, and the other broken up between the larger division. These smaller, broken divisions may be connected using the n attribute or a link element.

<div type="textpartsubtype="sectionn="i">
 <div type="textpartsubtype="fragment"

   <lb n="1"/>...
  <lb n="2"/>...
 <div type="textpartsubtype="fragment"

   <lb n="1"/>...
  <lb n="2"/>...
<div type="textpartsubtype="section"

 <div type="textpartsubtype="fragment"

   <lb n="1"/>...
  <lb n="2"/>...
 <div type="textpartsubtype="fragment"

   <lb n="1"/>...
  <lb n="2"/>...

Where two distinct texts appear on one support (e.g. two distinct inscriptions on one stone), they can either be encoded in one single EpiDoc file or in two separate files. This is an editorial decision and EpiDoc does not dictate the use of one method over the other. If encoding the two texts in a single file, two separate divs with type of "textpart" should be used within the edition division. Each translation, commentary, bibliography etc. should also be divided into two textparts in order to record information separately about each text. If encoding the texts in two separate files, a link can be provided (or at the least a mention can be made) in the commentary directing the reader to the other text that appears on the same support.

When a physical break in the support does not coincide with a major semantic break in the text and the physical division of the text does not need to be part of the citation scheme for the text as a whole (for example, multiple blocks in a long relief text, or text split in two consecutive columns), the milestone or cb or pb elements should be used instead to mark the point at which a break in the support occurs.

See also:

Other pages describing <ab>:

Other pages describing <div>:

Other pages describing <milestone>:

Responsibility for this section

  1. Scott Vanderbilt, author
  2. Gabriel Bodard, author
  3. Charlotte Tupman, author
  4. Irene Vagionakis, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18