Non-Structural Text-Parts


Non-structural text-parts, e.g. between blocks

When a physical break in the support does not coincide with a major semantic break in the text and the physical division of the text does not need to be part of the citation scheme for the text as a whole, the milestone or cb or pb elements should be used (instead of <div type="textpart">) to mark the point at which a break in the support occurs.

Text flowing through successive zones

This can be the case of text laid out in consecutively readable zones (e.g. text split in two or more consecutive columns), or on multiple faces of an object, or on multiple linked objects.

If a text is split in two (or more) consecutive columns, the cb (column beginning) element should be used. It is highly recommended to provide an n attribute specifying an identifier for each cb.

 <cb n="i"/>
 <lb n="1"/>... <lb n="2"/>... <cb n="ii"/>
 <lb n="3"/>... <lb n="4"/>...
<div type="editionxml:lang="grc"
                        <ab>                             <cb n="A"/>                             <lb n="0"/><gap reason="lostquantity="1"
                            <lb n="1"/><gap reason="illegiblequantity="3"
 κατακείμενος. αἰ                              κ’ ἀδική<lb break="non="2"/>σει δο͂λος ἢ δόλα,                              ὄτι μέν κ<supplied reason="lost">α                              κα<lb break="non="3"/>τα</supplied><unclear>θ</unclear>εμένο κελομένο                              ἀμάρτη<lb break="non="4"/>ι το͂ι καταθεμένοι τὰν δίκαν                             <lb n="5"/>ἤμην, ὄτι δὲ κ’ αὐτὸς πρὸ                              ϝιαυτ<lb break="non="6"/>ο͂ το͂ι ἀρκαίοι πάσται τὰν                              δίκ<lb break="non="7"/>αν ἤμην το͂ι δὲ καταθεμένοι                              μ<lb break="non="8"/>ή. αἰ δέ κα νικαθῆι ὀ καθένς,                              ἀπ<lb break="non="9"/>οδότο το͂ι καταθεμένοι ὄτι κ’                             <lb n="10"/>ὀπήληι. <g ref="leaf"/> αἰ δέ κα τὸν                              κατακεί<lb break="non="11"/>μενον ἀδικήσει ἄλλος, αἰ μὲν                             <lb n="12"/>κ’ ἀνπότεροι μολίοντες                              νικά<lb break="non="13"/>σοντι, τὰν ἠμίναν                              ϝεκάτερο<lb break="non="14"/>ς ἐκσίοντι· αἰ δέ κ’ ὀ ἄτερος                              μ<lb break="non="15"/>ὴ λῆι, ὀ ἄτερος μολίον αἴ κα                              νι<lb break="non="16"/>κάσει αὐτὸς ἐκσεῖ. αἰ δέ κ’                              ἀ<lb break="non="17"/>πόληται ὀ κατακείμενος,                              δικ<lb break="non="18"/>ακσάτο ὀμόσαι τὸν                              καταθέμε<lb break="non="19"/>νον μήτ’ αὐτὸν αἴτιον ἔμην                              μήτ<lb break="non="20"/>ε σὺν ἄλλοι, μήτ’ ἐπ’ ἄλλοι                              ϝισάμη<lb break="non="21"/>ν. αἰ δέ κ’ ἀποθάνηι, δεικσάτο                             <cb n="B"/>                             <lb n="22"/>ἀντὶ μαιτύρον δυο͂ν.                             <lb n="23"/>αἰ δέ κα μὴ ὀμόσει ἆι                              ἔ<lb break="non="24"/>γραται ἢ μὴ δείκσει,                              τ<lb break="non="25"/>ὰν ἀπλόον τιμὰν                              κατα<lb break="non="26"/>στασεῖ. αἰ δὲ κ’ αὐτὸν                              αἰ<lb break="non="27"/>τιῆται ναὶ ἀποδόθαι ἢ                             <lb n="28"/>ἀποκρύπσαι, αἴ κα                              νικ<lb break="non="29"/>αθεῖ, τὰν ἀπλόον                              τ<lb break="non="30"/>ιμὰν διππλεῖ                              κατα<lb break="non="31"/>στασεῖ. αἰ δέ κα                              ναεύ<lb break="non="32"/>ηι, ἐμπανία                              δεικσάτ<lb break="non="33"/>ο.                         </ab>                     
<div type="editionxml:lang="la"
                <div type="textpartsubtype="fragment"
                    <ab>                         <cb n="ii"/>                         <lb/><gap extent="unknownreason="lost"
                        <lb n="ii.1"/><gap reason="illegibleextent="unknown"
<desc>traces</desc></gap>                         <lb n="ii.2"/>quomodocumque possim                         <lb n="ii.3"/>at te peruenire sunt enim                         <lb n="ii.4"/>necessari<hi rend="apex">a</hi> quaedam qua<supplied reason="lost">e</supplied>                         <cb n="iii"/>                         <lb/><gap extent="unknownreason="lost"
                        <lb n="iii.1"/><gap reason="illegibleextent="unknown"
<desc>traces</desc><certainty locus="namematch=".."
</gap>                         <lb n="iii.2"/>rem meum epistu<unclear>l</unclear>as <unclear>me</unclear>a<unclear>s</unclear>                         <lb n="iii.3"/>accipies quibus scies qui<unclear>d</unclear>                         <lb n="iii.4"/>sim actura haec <unclear>no</unclear>bi<unclear>s</unclear>                     </ab>                 </div>             

If a text is split in two (or more) consecutive zones that could be considered as pages, the pb (page beginning) element should be used. It is highly recommended to provide an n attribute specifying an identifier for each pb. This can be the case of Indian copper plates bound together with a ring passed through a hole on each plate (a photo of one of these copper plates sets can be found here: Here an example from the DHARMA project:

<div type="editionxml:lang="san-Latn">
  <pb n="1v"/>
  <lb n="1"/>svasti śrīmaT-calukya-kula-jalanidhi-samudito
   nr̥pati-niśākaraḥ sva<lb n="2break="no"/>... ... <lb n="5break="no"/>...
   yuvatiṣu madanāyamāna-cāru-śarīratvān makara-dhvajaḥ <pb n="2r"/>
  <lb n="6"/>sva-dānārṇṇaveṣu parimagna-kali-prabhāvaḥ ... ... <lb n="10break="no"/>...
   brahmaśarmmaṇaḥ pautrābhyāṁ Adhi<pb n="2vbreak="no"/>
  <lb n="11break="no"/>gata-sva-śākhā-codita-sva-karmmānuṣṭhāna-tatparasya ...
   ...<lb n="15break="no"/>... grāmo yaṁ dattaḥ Asya <pb n="3r"/>
  <lb n="16"/>kaiścid api na
   bādhā karaṇīyā ... </ab>

If a text is split in more consecutively readable zones (not columns or pages), the milestone element should be used. In this case, it is highly recommended to provide both an n attribute specifying an identifier for each milestone and a unit attribute specifying the kind of subdivision of text being recorded (common values for the unit attribute might be "face", "area", "zone", "item", etc.).

 <milestone unit="facen="a"/>
 <lb n="1"/>... <lb n="2"/>... <milestone unit="facen="b"/>
 <lb n="3"/>... <lb n="4"/>...
<div type="editionxml:lang="la"
                <ab>                     <milestone unit="tabletn="1"/>                     <lb n="i.1"/><gap reason="illegiblequantity="9"
<desc>traces of nine lines</desc></gap>                     <lb n="i.10"/><supplied reason="lost">eiue</supplied> a<supplied reason="lost">d</supplied> quem ea res                     <milestone unit="tabletn="2"/>                     <lb/><note>(lost tablet, continued from previous text)</note>                     <lb n="ii.1"/><supplied reason="lost">pertinebit</supplied> <gap reason="lostextent="unknown"
                    <lb/><gap reason="lostextent="unknown"

In the following example from DHARMA, two connected fragments where the break is fortuitously between lines, so that no epigraphic line is interrupted by the fracture. The text on the second fragment is the continuation of that on the first, so textparts were not deemed appropriate here:

<div type="editionxml:lang="san-Latn">
  <lb n="1"/>
  <milestone unit="fragmentn="A"/>siddhaM</ab>
 <lg n="1met="anuṣṭubh">
  <l n="a">sahasra-śirase tasmai</l>
  <l n="b">...</l>
<!--more <lg>s here-->
 <lg n="14met="anuṣṭubh">
  <l n="a">duhitur bbalaśūrāyā<supplied reason="omitted"></supplied>
  <l n="b">satputro jayamit<unclear>r</unclear>a<unclear>y</unclear>ā</l>
  <l n="c">
   <lb n="10"/>
   <milestone unit="fragmentn="B"/>gārggāyaṇa-sagotro
  <l n="d">jāti<unclear>ta</unclear>
   <supplied reason="lost"></supplied>
   <seg met="=-+-=">
    <gap reason="lostquantity="5"

<!--more <lg>s here-->

In the following example from DHARMA, the text is inscribed on two separate doorjambs, continuing from the bottom of one to the top of the other. The inscription begins with a series of verses in Sanskrit, followed by Khmer prose (starting at some point on the second doorjamb):

<div type="edition"

 <lg n="1met="vasantatilakā"

  <l n="a">
   <milestone unit="itemn="S"/>
   <label xml:lang="en">Southern
   <lb n="S1"/>jejīyatāṁ vraja <seg met="-+--+-+=">
    <gap reason="lostquantity="8"

  <l n="b">...</l>
<!--more <lg>s here-->
 <lg n="17met="vasantatilakā"

  <l n="a">
   <milestone unit="itemn="N"/>
   <label xml:lang="en">Northern
   <lb n="N1"/>Agre-saraḥ prathita-puṇyavatāṁ
  <l n="b">...</l>
<!--more <lg>s here, then a prose section in Khmer-->
  <lb n="N17"/>ta duk· śloka neḥ mratāñ· śrī Indrapaṇ<orig>d</orig>ita</ab>
<!--more <ab>s here-->

Text running across contiguous zones

This can be the case of a surface vertically segmented into units where each line runs across two or more visually demarcated areas such as a surface with each line running across several building blocks, quasi-columns consisting of a metrical unit, a surface with each line running across two or more subsurfaces (e.g. two or more adjacent faces of a stele or pillar), a broken support where a fracture cuts across some or all lines (i.e. contiguous fragments).

In these cases, an iterated milestone should be used to show the points at which one zone ends and another begins. It is highly recommended to provide both an n attribute specifying an identifier for each milestone and a unit attribute specifying the kind of subdivision of text being recorded (common values for the unit attribute might be "block", "face", "area", "zone", "column", etc.).

 <lb n="1"/>
 <milestone unit="blockn="i"/>...<milestone unit="blockn="ii"/> ...
<lb n="2"/>
 <milestone unit="blockn="i"/>...<milestone unit="blockn="ii"/>
... <lb n="3"/>
 <milestone unit="blockn="i"/>...<milestone unit="blockn="ii"/>
ὁ Ῥωμαίω<milestone unit="blockn="iii"/>ν καθὼς καὶ τὰ
<unclear reason="damage">τ</unclear>
<milestone unit="block"/>
<supplied reason="lost">οῦ</supplied>

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • London style: τ̣ | [οῦ]
(InsAph: 1.174)
  <lb n="1"/>
  <milestone unit="zonen="a"/>...</l>
  <milestone unit="zonen="b"/>...</l>
  <lb n="2"/>
  <milestone unit="zonen="a"/>...</l>
  <milestone unit="zonen="b"/>...</l>
 <lb n="1"/>
 <milestone unit="fragmentn="a"/>...<gap reason="lostquantity="3"

 <milestone unit="fragmentn="b"/>... <lb n="2"/>
 <milestone unit="fragmentn="a"/>...<gap reason="lostquantity="2"

 <milestone unit="fragmentn="b"/>... <lb n="3"/>
 <milestone unit="fragmentn="a"/>...<gap reason="lostquantity="1"

 <milestone unit="fragmentn="b"/>... <lb n="4"/>
 <milestone unit="fragmentn="a"/>...<milestone unit="fragmentn="b"/>...

In the following example from DHARMA, two fragments with the break cutting across lines, so that the milestone for fragment A is iterated at the beginning of each epigraphic line, and that for fragment B at some point within each epigraphic line:

<div type="editionxml:lang="san-Latn">
 <lg n="1met="anuṣṭubh">
  <l n="a">
   <lb n="1"/>
   <milestone unit="fragmentn="A"/>guptānāṁ samatikrānte</l>
  <l n="b">sapta-paṁcāśad-uttare</l>
  <l n="c">śate samānāṁ pr̥thivīṁ</l>
  <l n="d">budhagu<supplied reason="lost">pte</supplied>
   <milestone unit="fragmentn="B"/>praśāsati<unclear>||</unclear>
 <lg n="2met="anuṣṭubh">
  <l n="a">vaiśākha-māsa-saptamyāṁ</l>
  <l n="b">mūle śma<lb n="2break="no"/>
   <milestone unit="fragmentn="A"/>-<unclear cert="low">pragate</unclear>
   <lb n="2"/>mayā</l>
  <l n="c">
   <unclear cert="low">kāritābhayamitreṇa</unclear>
  <l n="d">pratimā śākya-bhikṣuṇā||</l>
 <lg n="3met="anuṣṭubh">
  <l n="aenjamb="yes">imām <supplied reason="lostcert="low">uddhasta-sa</supplied>
   <milestone unit="fragmentn="B"/>
  <l n="b">-padmāsana-vibhūṣitāṁ</l>
  <l n="c">deva-puttravato <unclear>divyāṁ</unclear>
  <l n="d">
   <lb n="3"/>
   <milestone unit="fragmentn="A"/>...</l>

See also:

Other pages describing <cb>:

    Other pages describing <milestone>:

    Other pages describing <pb>:

      Responsibility for this section

      1. Scott Vanderbilt, author
      2. Charlotte Tupman, author
      3. Irene Vagionakis, author

      EpiDoc version: 9.7

      Date: 2025-02-18