Other taxonomies, general keywords


Taxonomies for Attributes Not Described By Specific Elements in the Header

Index terms of any kind can be tagged (by default using rs, but any other semantically appropriate element may be captured for this purpose) anywhere in the document where they appear in running text: e.g. in the Greek or Latin edition, translations, commentary, or any of the descriptive fields in the header. Depending on the needs of a particular project and any internal or external taxonomies in use, such a tag might look something like:

<provenance type="observed">
 <p>Outside the <rs type="monuListkey="db934">Cyrene Sculpture Museum</rs>.</p>

If a taxonomy is also in use, the rs may carry ref for the purpose of normalizing to a term in this taxonomy. In the example below, normalization is to the EDR vocabulary for materials (see Rei Material GoogleDoc):

<material ref="edr:marmor">Blue-veined white marble.</material>

You can align your definitions by aligning to a local or to an external Controlled Vocabulary.

General keywords

General keywords that do not belong in any particular part of the text or supporting data of the edition may be gathered conveniently in a keywords element in textClass. These keywords will generally be used only for purposes of search, indexing, or compatibility within a larger collection, rather than appearing in the human-readable part of the edition.

 <keywords scheme="IRCyr">
   <placeName type="ancientRegion"
   <placeName type="modernCountry"
   <placeName type="modernFindspot"
Marsa Suza</placeName>

Prose description of the text

For general prose descriptions of the text, the msContents and summary may be used:

 <summary>This is the first 2 lines of P.Lond. IV 1370, a letter (entagion) from the
   governor of Egypt, Kurrah b. Sharik, to the pagarch, Basilius, seeking remedy of
   a deficit in the "embola," or grain tax</summary>

Responsibility for this section

  1. Gabriel Bodard, author
  2. Simona Stoyanova, author
  3. Irene Vagionakis, author
  4. Scott Vanderbilt, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18