Description of the text type


The description of the type (or function) of the text borne by object is encoded in the textClass/keywords element.

Relevant element documentation:

Type of text

Although there is no specific TEI tag for the category, type, or function of the text, EpiDoc recommends the inclusion of text type information in textClass/keywords:

 <keywords scheme="hgv">
  <term>Brief (privat)</term>

The use of ref in term for pointing to the related term in an internal authority list or external vocabulary is not required but recommended:

  <term ref="#texttype1">Dedication</term>
  <term ref="#texttype2">Decree</term>

The element content is recommended but not required:

  <term ref="#texttype1"/>
  <term ref="#texttype2"/>

If different types of text have to be linked to specific text parts, term can have a corresp pointing to the specific text part:

  <term corresp="#textpart1">Dedication</term>
  <term corresp="#textpart2">Decree</term>

If the keywords include also other terms used for different purposes (see below), a type can be used to specify what is the term used for:

  <term type="textType">Decree</term>
  <term type="keyword">Euergesia</term>

See also:

Other pages describing <textClass>:

Other pages describing <keywords>:

Other pages describing <term>:

Responsibility for this section

  1. Gabriel Bodard, author
  2. Simona Stoyanova, author
  3. Irene Vagionakis, author
  4. Scott Vanderbilt, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18