Appendix: Aligning EpiDoc with CEIPAC (Corpus de epigrafía anfórica)


LeidenDescriptionEpiDoc page(s)
ABCNormal letters. Generally letters are transcribed in upper case when they are oriented towards the direction of reading of the text, regardless of the fact that the seal is retrograde or to be read left to right.
abcReflected characters. In lower case are those letters that are visible but are written in the direction opposite to that of the text. Reversed Letters, Inverted (Or Rotated) Letters
A!BC, a!bcCharacters inverted or turned around. Exclamation mark is used after a character when this is inverted or turned around, which is not the same thing as reflected. Reversed Letters, Inverted (Or Rotated) Letters
A<BC, >ABC, A<<BC, >>ABCCharacters dimensions. Single characters with a smaller or grater dimension than other characters are marked with < or > between the characters beeing compared. The sign can be repeated twice to emphasize much smaller or bigger than the other. Description Of Hands And Letters
$A$BC, $AB$CGreek Letters. Dollar signs are used to surround greek letters. The greek charachter Φ which is the same as the digraphic PH in latin is converted in $PH$. Use Unicode letters or Multi-Language Texts
|ABC|, |ABC, ABC|, ABCEnd of inscribed field. End of lines indicate the end of the cartiglio. They are marked with a vertical bar if clearly visible in the inscription. The limits of the inscribed field are left open when the closure is not preserved Non-structural text-parts
|ABC|/|ABC|Line Break. The Obliquous bar marks the change of line and always follow the mark for a end of inscribed field. Line Breaks
A~B~C, A~BC, AB~CLigatures. The tildes is used between two characters to mark that some of the strikes are common. Ligatured Letters
A^B^C, A^BC, AB^CNexi between characters by fusion. The circumflex accent is the sign used to mark nexi between characters by fusion. Ligatured Letters
{AB}Nexi between characters by inclusion. Braces are used to mark the union of characters by inclusion. Ligatured Letters
{A/BC} Nexi between characters by inclusion on two lines. When letters of the same dimension are written in a place of equale size of that of the bigger letter. Ligatured Letters
{A^BC}, {AB^C}Hybrid Nexi. This type of nexi is marked combining the circumflex accent and braces. Ligatured Letters
A·B·C, A·BC, AB·CInterpunction. Different classes of interpunction are marked with a high dot. Interpuncts
{A·}BCPunctuation mark into the place of a letter. Interpuncts and Non-structural text-parts
((signum))Symbols and decorations. Between brackets the latin word describing the symbol. Symbol (Non Meaning-Bearing)
A'B'C', A'BC, AB'C, ABC', A''B''C''Ambiguous characters. These are represented with an apostrophe appended to the characters for which some traces are visible, but whose identification is impossible from the context. the repetition of the apostrophe is used to emphasize the degree of dubt. Ambiguous Characters
<ABC>, A<B>CCharacters omitted by mistake or by abbreviation of a word. The editor adds between two angle parathesis the characters omitted by mistake or to further shorten the abbreviated word (e.g. when the character has double value, as in geminated consonants.) Omitted Letters
[ABC], [ABC?]Restored characters.Within square brackets are those characters which were lost because of damage to the support or erosion of the original text, and can be restored by the editor. The certainty about these values is signed out by question marks. Restored text
[[ABC]]Characters intentionally deleted. Those characters intentionally deleted are marked within double parenthesis, e.g. with severian stamps. Erased but legible text and Erased and lost
[-],[---]Empty spaces for charcters. Between square brackets are places as many hyphens as the number of possibly lost characters Lost characters, quantity known, Lost characters, quantity approximate and Lost characters, quantity unknown
(-), (---), (?)Empty spaces. Between brackets are as many hyphens as the spaces which can be calculated to mark a space intentionally left blank. The question mark means that the number of spaces cannot be quantified. Vacat measured in charactrers
ABC+, AB+CLacuna of one or more letters. The plus sign indicates that the following character might have lost one or more intermediate letters. Possible Illegible Characters
ABC*, AB*CUncertain lacuna. The star sign indicates that after the character there might be one or more characters. Gap of unknown extent and certainty as in Text Possibly Breaks
A&BC, A^B&C^B, ((signum))& ((signum))Ambiguity. When a character or a nexus or a symbol might be interepreted in various ways the & sign is used to combine the possible solutions. Apparatus Criticus, Ambiguous characters (Leiden underdot) and Ambiguous characters multiple alternatives
ABC, sine imagineWe write sine imagine after the transcription if in the publication there is no image of the stamp. This would be encoded in the teiHeader.
ABC, bis impressum estWe write bit impressum est after the trancription if the stamp appears struk again. Text Struck Over Erasure

Table above taken from Corpus Conservation Labelling PDF Document for support of epigraphic filling out.

Responsibility for this section

  1. Pietro Liuzzo, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18