<citeStructure> (citation structure) declares a structure and method for citing the current document. [3.11.4. Declaring Reference Systems Citation Structures] |
Module | header |
Attributes | delim | (delimiter) supplies a delimiting string preceding the structural component.Status | Optional | Datatype | string | Note | delim must contain at least one character. |
| match | (match) supplies an XPath selection pattern using the syntax defined in [ID XSLT3 in TEI Guidelines] which identifies a set of nodes which are citable structural components. The expression may be absolute (beginning with / ) or relative. match on a citeStructure without a citeStructure parent must be an absolute XPath. If it is relative, its context is set by the match of the parent citeStructure.Status | Required | Datatype | teidata.xpath | Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:citeStructure[not(parent::tei:citeStructure)]"> <sch:assert test="starts-with(@match,'/')">An XPath in @match on the outer <sch:name/> must start with '/'.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
| Schematron | <sch:rule context="tei:citeStructure[parent::tei:citeStructure]"> <sch:assert test="not(starts-with(@match,'/'))">An XPath in @match must not start with '/' except on the outer <sch:name/>.</sch:assert> </sch:rule>
| unit | (unit) describes the structural unit indicated by the citeStructure.Status | Optional | Datatype | teidata.enumerated | Sample values include: | - book
- chapter
- entry
- poem
- letter
- line
- section
- verse
- volume
Contained by | |
May contain | |
Example | <citeStructure unit="book" match="//body/div" use="@n"> <citeStructure unit="chapter" match="div" use="position()" delim=" "> <citeStructure unit="verse" match="div" use="position()" delim=":"/> </citeStructure> </citeStructure> |
Content model | <content> <sequence> <elementRef key="citeData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <elementRef key="citeStructure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <classRef key="model.descLike" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </sequence> </content> |
Schema Declaration |
element citeStructure
attribute delim { string { pattern = ".+" } }?,
attribute match { teidata.xpath },
attribute unit { teidata.enumerated }?,
( tei_citeData*, tei_citeStructure*, tei_model.descLike* )
} |