XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX README.txt for EpiDoc ODD and schema XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX What it is: The EpiDoc RelaxNG schema and the TEI ODD file from which it is generated. **Temporary notice**: There are two copies of the ODD in this directory: tei-epidoc-full.xml, which is the version that will work with the online Roma tool (, and tei-epidoc.xml, which currently does not work with Roma because it contains only the and is designed to be x-included to the full ODD (to include Guidelines etc.) License: The TEI Schema is copyright the TEI Consortium ( To the extent that the EpiDoc ODD and schema have been customized and amount to transformative versions of the original schema, they are copyright Gabriel Bodard and the other contributors (as listed in tei:revisionDesc). See LICENSE.txt for license details. Technical Requirements: The ODD requires the Roma tool (and associated dependencies) to generate the RelaxNG schema. The schema (whose canonical released versions live at may be used by any XML editor or processing environment to validate EpiDoc XML files. How to use it: To generate the schema: 1. edit the ODD (tei-epidoc-full.xml) to make any changes to the EpiDoc schema. *NB* that as a matter of policy the EpiDoc schema should be a conformant subset of the latest TEI schema (only exceptions being when the dev TEI ODD contains changes that will not make it into the TEI release for 1-6 months). 2. Go to and "Open existing customization". Select tei-epidoc-full.xml from your local file system. 3. Select "Start". 4. Select "Schema". 5. Select "RELAX NG schema (XML syntax). 6. Save to your local file system. 7. Test thoroughly (and ask for support on Markup to test) before committing as canonical new EpiDoc schema. To validate: If using Oxygen or similar editor to edit XML files, processing instructions such as: at the top of the XML file will instruct the editor to validate against this schema (as RelaxNG and Schematron respectively).