Quotation Marks


Panciera 1991 ...; Sosin 2011: "abc"

We are the Knights who say <q>Ni!</q>

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • Default (Panciera) style: We are the Knights who say Ni!
ὅτι <q>πέμψον μοι τὰ σιδήρια</q>

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • Duke Databank style: ὅτι 'πέμψον μοι τὰ σιδήρια'

See also:

Other pages describing <q>:

    Responsibility for this section

    1. Charlotte Tupman, author

    EpiDoc version: 9.7

    Date: 2025-02-18