Numbers/numerals of Known Value


The numeral should be placed inside a num and given an appropriate value, e.g. "8", "42", etc. If it is a particular kind of numeral, e.g. acrophonic, it can be given a type with a value of "acrophonic".

Panciera 1991: XII

<num value="12">XII</num>

The following examples, taken from real EpiDoc projects, show a few more kinds of numerals and their rendition.

<num value="12">ιβ</num>

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • London style: ιβ´
  • Duke Databank style: ιβ
(InsAph: 8.58)
<num value="24">XXIIII</num>

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • London style: XXIIII
(IRT: 22)
<num value="54">νδ</num>

Transformation using the EpiDoc Reference stylesheets:

  • London style: νδ´
  • Duke Databank style: νδ
(DDbDP: bgu.1.10#8)

Responsibility for this section

  1. Scott Vanderbilt, author
  2. Gabriel Bodard, author
  3. Charlotte Tupman, author

EpiDoc version: 9.7

Date: 2025-02-18